Ramadan approaching
AsSalaamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,
I hope all is well with everyone. We’ve all been through some hard times during the pandemic. It not only took a took physically but it can take its toll spiritually. But alhumdulilah, the blessed month of Ramadan is approaching. We should always put our hopes and trust in Allah during all times. Good and bad. With hardships comes ease.
We have this month approaching of light to shine what we felt was dark.
May Allah forgive us all of our shortcomings, forgive those who did not make to this Ramadan, and relieve the pains of all suffering. Grant us all patience and your blessings this Ramadan, Allah. Let us all be better as beings, Muslims and a community.
We will be having Tarawih prayers during Ramadan. We ask all attending to please abide by the social distancing rules. 6 feel apart and please wear a mask. That is a MUST. You should also bring your own prayer rug, inshAllah.
Tarawih prayers after sunnah prayers of isha inshaAllah which should be around 9:20, with isha starting at 9 pm.
We will also have iftar for pick-up ONLY. Please schedule your pick up at least an hour before maghreb/iftar. Please see, call or message Brother Fazad Ali for all reservations of iftar dinners. Dinners can also be picked up at the masjid but there will be not eating inside masjid at all, whatsoever.
An Iftar list is attached, button below. Please send in the day(s) you would like to sponsor and or cook for inshaAllah.
Masjid Al-Ikhlas will now be accepting payments and donations via credit cards using a secured device and system inside the masjid. More info will be sent this Ramadan as we continue to prepare for this blessed month.