Eid Al-Adha 2021
Eid Al-Adha, the “festival of Sacrifice.” The bigger Eid. A time for remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s atonement. The time of Hajj and a time of giving. Many of us went through hard times and sacrifices, but nothing happens without Allah’s will. With all of the hardships and travesties, we still should be thankful. This year we’re celebrating Eid Al-Adha at Masjid Al-Ikhlas on Tuesday, July 20th. Takbirat will be at 8:15 am, and salatul Eid will be at 8:30 am inshAllah.
May Allah forgive us all of our sins, protect us from all wrongdoings of ourselves and others, and accept those prayers, du’a, and Hajj of all those you permitted, inshaAllah. Ameen.