Appreciation Dinner for Imam Dr. Salahuddin Muhammad
As Salaamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,
Tonight, inshaAllah, we will be hosting an Appreciation Dinner for our beloved Imam Dr. Salahuddin Muhammad and his wife (Sister) Fonda Muhammad.
With our beloved Imam Hamim Rashada, who recently passed, they both, along with others, were/are the founders of Masjid Al-Ikhlas. They have been and still are pillars of this masjid and always will have a connection here even though they have moved to another area, still doing the great work for the sake of Allah.
We are immensely thankful, and appreciation is due, giving them their flowers while they are here, by Allah’s will.
Friday, July 23rd, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM, we will be hosting an Appreciation Dinner to the Muhammads, inshaAllah.